OPA/RMC Grand Fondo

An inaugural cycling event organized by OPA together with RMC. Initially, I was thinking of joining the marshal on motorcycle but on second thought, why not start cycle back after 2 years of resting. Thanks to OP Iran for lending me his bicycle. OP Ala requested me to be marshal on bicycle because as cyclist, I may notice if other cyclist runs into trouble during the event. We split into 3 big groups and I was in Group C. The slowest of all groups. Volunteers were given a night stay at old block. Start line in Parade Square at New RMC We cycled past through old RMC and then towards Sungai Besi Camp & Bukit Jalil CP1 at Putrajaya Extreme Park CP2 somewhere after Pekan Semenyih The highlight was Bukit Hantu after the junction at Semenyih Dam heading to Pekan Batu 14 Hulu Langat. Many people were pushing their bike up the hill. We completed the ride around 1500hrs at RMC with total distance 125km.